Saturday, November 30, 2019
Worn Path By Welty Essays (814 words) - A Worn Path
Worn Path By Welty ?A Worn Path? by Eudora Welty, is the tale of the unstoppable love and care of a grandmother for her grandchild. It tells a story of sheer determination as Phoenix Jackson makes a long journey into town to get medicine for her chronically ill grandson. She strives forward despite frequent obstacles in her way that include her own failing health and the grandchild's slim chance of survival. Phoenix Jackson is ?an old Negro woman? who continues forward over barriers that would not even be considered a hindrance for the young. This is a journey, which she has taken before, and now "the time come around? she must travel it again. She begins her journey to town on ?a bright frozen day in the early morning? in December. Phoenix Jackson is ?very old and small ?, and walks like the ?pendulum in a grandfather clock? ever so carefully with her ?thin, small cane made from an umbrella.? The description of Phoenix Jackson at the beginning of this story gives the reader a glimpse of how difficult this trip is going to be for an elderly woman such as her. The description ?Her eyes were blue with age. Her skin has a pattern all its own of numberless branching wrinkles? are indications of Phoenix Jackson's old age. She supports herself with a cane, striving not to fall with every step she takes. She wears a ?dress reaching down to her shoe tops? along with ?an equally long apron of bleached sugar sacks, with a full pocket.? This just adds to her difficulties. As she begins her journey, she talks to herself and warns "Out of my way, all you foxes, owls, beetles, jack rabbits, coons and wild animals!?Keep out from under these feet, little bob-whites?, because as she says, "I got a long way.? She is determined to go down that path despite anything that might come between her and getting the medicine for her grandson. This shows that her body may be worn out, but the attitude that she takes and desire that she has in order to get the medicine for her grandson are not. In addition, her shoelaces ?which dragged from her unlaced shoes? adds to the chance of her falling on the path. First, she has to face an uphill climb. Then, she goes downhill but soon finds herself tangled with a bush, and she does not want to rip her dress. She talks to the bush stating "Thorns, you doing your appointed work. Never want to let folks pass, no sir. Old eyes thought you was a pretty little green bush" However, she manages to free herself from the thorn bush. In addition, she faces a barbed-wire fence, which is not easy for anyone, but she gets through, again telling herself that ?she could not pay for having her arm or her leg sawed off.? At one point, she is startled by a stray dog and falls into a ditch. Eventually, a hunter and his dog happen upon her and pull her out of the ditch. He also tries to prevent her from finishing her journey. He tells her that she is too old, and even tries to scare her with his gun. At that point the man says, "you must be a hundred years old, and scared of take my advice and stay home, and nothing will happen to you.? Not even these words from the hunter could make Phoenix give up, always getting herself out of a predicament, and having her grandson as a reason to keep going. Walking across a log with her eyes closed is another daring thing she attempts. After safely crossing she says "I wasn't as old as I thought.? She sits down to rest ?when a little boy brought her a plate with a slice of marble-cake on it.? When old Phoenix reaches ?to take it there was just her own hand in the air,? and nothing else around. Throughout the story, she exhibits signs of senility and delusions including her meeting of a scarecrow which she initially thinks is a man. When Phoenix reaches her destination, the reason for her mission is given. When she enters "the big building", evidently a medical facility, she doesn't speak and appears disoriented. A nurse recognizes her and inquires about her grandson who swallowed lye two to three years ago. She asks ?He isn't dead, is he Phoenix responds with, "No missy, he not dead, he just the same.? She tells the nurse ?he
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Systems and Operations Management
Systems and Operations Management Executive Summary The vital improvements in companies have been the change of roles of operations managers who have become innovators of systems and continuous developers of the daily running of the systems of the company. Companies have realized that to have a competitive edge the operations systems, development of capabilities is key to their success.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Systems and Operations Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Increasing the reliance of their systems is solely the focus of their marketing and delivery of services and products. (Slack et al, 2010). Therefore, improvement of their information systems enhances the effectiveness of their operations thereby giving them the capacity to satisfy their customers who in turn continue to buy their products. Improving new processes of technology brings in new methods of controlling the market thus the companies are also able to manag e their internal affairs and management of operations. It is in these new developments that the company is able to deeply delve into the knowledge that allows operations to adapt flexibly in reaching out effectively to their customers (Bic Alan, 2003). Therefore, internal auditing of their running is everyday managed properly in a more advanced way by information systems. Recent management trends of information systems points out that technological change has become a vital means towards company managing resources and facilities. This is true in the sense that many companies have been forced to adapt to the new system technology to earn a position in the competitive world (Stallings, 2008). As the companies expand in various ways, they realize that they need to adapt to their growing need to become more effective in their operations. This therefore, has led to many companies introducing systems that make them practice best management methods in their production and delivery of thei r services (Checkland, 1999). However the increasing importance of information systems among companies has highlighted the current demand for an increased need to be flexible and to adapt to various methods of management.Advertising Looking for term paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This has brought about the effective means to production and service delivery as a way to respond to the growing demand in the market. This involves having a broad based information system that allows the flow of data in the company to allow efficient running of their systems and production efficiency. This paper thus explores approaches used by the company to address this trend and also how it has adapted to the new changes in their use of the information technology. It reviews how the suggestion of introducing this new system to the company is improving its operations in accomplishing its market goal and targ et market. The paper also proposes some recommendations after the analysis. Building from this, it proposes some principles for the regular development of information systems and points out the path to model the progress in an adaptable and flexible way. Introduction Atokowa being a major influence in the market of stationery and office supplies give them an advantage among other businesses and organizations. This is due to the fact they deliver their products directly to their customers and in addition, own various retails outlets. The business idea came from an Australian called Lachlan who started his own photocopying business when he purchased a machine thereby printing various jobs for the company (Adler, 1992). This in history was the first photocopying machine where his work extended immensely in Australia. In the process, he started other outlets extending the small enterprise to a big business. The business had a reputation of giving high quality services therefore it conti nued to grow immensely. This led the owner to develop a vision that his would be the only business that would offer stationery and office supplies and thus expanded his spectrum to other cities in which he stocked his premises with all sorts of stationery and office materials. In the later years, the owner retired and passed on his business to his son who changed the vision to focus on technology and started selling various computers of the time (Laudon, Kenneth Jane, 2009). This selling of items integrated or involved the use of information technology leading to more expansion to other cities and hence the son followed the footsteps of his father.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Systems and Operations Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The method will give the staff an opportunity to understand the role of systems and operations management and its integration into efficient and effective running of b usiness. It took a practical approach which will give the staff a good understanding of better business practice within the global organization. The soft systems approach of the company’s systems development was be used to analyze and define business requirements. People and management issues will be reviewed with emphasis on communication, teamwork and effective leadership. Quality management and business excellence focusing on customer relations will be considered. The staff will develop an understanding of analysis process and its improvement to reflect on business process in introducing the information system using rules and analysis to examine costs, allocation of resources, and efficiency related to the delivery of goods and services. The method will consider the impact of operations systems and management in the wider social-economic environment. The skills in operations management therefore become an important requirement of employers in many areas of business. Develo pments of operation systems therefore become practical as employees learn and employ professional skills which in turn maximize profit. In systems operation management, the directors of businesses have to be knowledgeable and understanding to the role of strategies in integrating this in their businesses and in examining the quality involved in managing their business and products. In addition, the practical aspects of their skills are challenged by the intellect transferring this role into their management and operation systems. Thus in this, Laudon and Laudon (2011) highlight that retailers’ understanding of growth in productions is as a result of using proper ways of keeping their data and knowing what needs to be implemented in the shortest time possible. This is made possible by introducing systems that allow flexibility in their access to the customers and making sure they satisfy them. In using a good information system, the company will avoid lagging behind in their a im to deliver as much efficiently as possible thus making sure the needs of the clients are taken care of.Advertising Looking for term paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In order to do this, the company has to progressively track its transactions and analyze its efficiency by properly following up their daily interactions with those they serve. The company plans to contract with as many as possible of their customers in developing their continuous influence through information systems. This will keep them on the market as the customers rely more on their systems thus permanently gaining the trust thus continue being long-term clients (Adler, 1992). To remain competitive in the market, the company has to review its products with the changing needs of the clients and use their adaptive nature to inform their market of the various developments of their products. Thus in using quality control tools, the need for product development will be realized. In conclusion, the company’s operation process has to take root in the human resource to transform the entire operations department (Jacobs and Chase, 2011). This will lead to questioning the entire o peration systems in determining when and how to operate and who to manage in these circumstances. How was this analysis undertaken? The analysis was done in a manner that reviewed the company’s foundation and how it grew to expand in many other cities which operated independently without major supervision. This led to the elder son to appoint other people to help him run the company. In the five stages, each manager ran the business separately and thereby reporting whatever was happening to the main branch. In the process of running the outlets in this manner, it was deemed as difficult because it involved the employees counting every stock in the end of the day. It was then that one of the managers thought and suggested for the implementation of integrating electronic points of sale system thereby making the company stock be tracked by a bar code. Thus by this suggestion, the owner asked the person who suggested his ability to manage the design and implement the Microsoft Ac cess database whose operation’s success was based mainly on its simplicity. In its application, each outlet became equipped with standard Window’s computers which were connected over a simple local area network. The structure of the following report is one that focused on the organisation which questioned the effectiveness of the system introduced for their daily accounting and stock taking. Thus, the report looks at the information system and how it led to solving the cumbersome tedious process of taking their stocks every day. It also recommends the action that looks at the solution to their business expansion. The company therefore used the following: Analysis of Current Systems and Operations In analyzing the current system, we look at all the transactions that go all the way until the processing stage. Here, the product is usually scanned into the data bases which are summed and payment is taken. After the payment, each product sold is to be written in the transac tion table of the database and whenever any transaction in the outlets was done, this was recorded in a different table thereby helping the manager to know and maintain the stock efficiently. In the latter process of stock taking, the manager was unsure of what really had taken place because he only had to trust that his co-managers would give an account of their daily sales or he would personally supervise by travelling to the various outlets which is inefficient and takes much valuable time. But with the new system, the manager had access to the daily running of the business and would follow each transaction to their designated customer. By doing this, the manager could make any changes or suggestions that he saw fit to increase the efficiency of his business if he predicted that certain outlets needed more stock or they were overstocked. This is a very effective way of management because time which is essential is used wisely and the business is run in a coordinated manner unlike before. In overseeing the stocks in the warehouse, the manager would be able to audit unusual requests thereby avoiding theft and errors in that if the warehouse had items ready for sale; they would authorize the selling at that point without sending it to the particular outlet thus reducing time and increasing efficiency and accountability. Structured analysis The company came up with a structured method to analyze it systems which one of the managers saw as the right way of solving the problem of taking stocks. This was possible because he was having the know- how of how to handle information systems and understood its mechanisms. He therefore, used simple technical techniques which could be understood by all the people who would use the new systems. Use of experienced staff and inexperienced staff By asking the right question to solve a problem, the structured method did not isolate the experienced staff from the inexperienced ones, but rather made sure everyone in the company h ad the opportunity to learn and be able to use the new that was system introduced. This was done by using the experienced staff to guide the ones who were lagging behind. Improving the control and planning of the company The approach used to introduce and implement the new system was made more effective by dividing the company into stages in that the introduction and implementing of the new system was introduced in stages thus giving all major outlets time to sieve in their data and be able to connect with the central management point. The quality of the system The quality and effectiveness of the system was determined by ensuring that the structured method was also flexible to suit the various states according to their operation. This was done by reviewing the daily use of the system as the members participated in the change of how things were to be run. Thereafter the system was developed in another level allowing progress of effectiveness thus meeting the user’s requiremen t when it was operational. Business system designed This proved to bring out the required factors that would broaden the specifics of the stages of analysis. In this part various solutions are evaluated on the basis of meeting the required expectations from the suggestions of a technical professional like the one who saw the need for pushing for changes in the company. The evaluator has to understand the business therein making specific recommendations of what is best to deal with the problem and offer a solution. Physical design The theoretical design has to be transformed or converted to the actual practical sense in dealing with the problem. In the case of the company discussed, one member came up with the idea which led overall manager to accompany him and thus appoint him as the one to manage and maintain the data system. This involved specifications of duties and tasks needed to make sure that the new system kicked off. Transition In moving from one point to the next, planning is needed before implementation. This will mean that the company had to move from the old systems to the new ones. This isn’t an easy task as all required personnel have to come to the understanding that the system being introduced was known and explained to everyone; otherwise the company would go backwards and regress. Therefore installations of nearly all major equipments had to be taken into consideration and also the training of those who are going to use the equipments has to be budgeted and put into consideration. In doing this, the implementation stage has to come in when all participants are in tune to start using the new system. Evaluating the system In the process of use, the system has to be review and maintained through the phases of implementation. This is because the system has to be developed every now and then in order to improve its performance and usage among both the clients and employees (Silberschatz et al, 2008). Conclusion In many organizations, infor mation systems have been realised to be effective means to success of the businesses. In realising this, many businesses have invested broadly in strategic planning in using systems that would develop their businesses as they expand. This is often as a result of analysing the present position of the company by observing and listening to the users of their products and also their employees. It is therefore prudent to have the following analysis before introducing any new system. Feasibility study This helps in deciding whether the company is able to technically have a new system that would be introduced in their running of their daily businesses (Silberschatz et al, 2008). Thus considering their financial and social justification is vital to understanding whether the organization will be resistive or accepting to the new system. Systems analysis In analysing the present ways of running the company, we note that the current one is to be analysed in detail to determine the extent to wh ich the new system needs preparation or resources. Therefore, system analysis has to provide the environment in which the results of the company’s research have adopted the recording and analysing position. Computer based production planning and control systems Computer based control systems allowed the company to handle various difficult factors that cropped up in their daily transactions. Therefore in using the computer based system in their running of the business, the production advanced thus reduced inefficiency resulting from human error. In overall with proper management, theses parts of the system became productive thereby making the business more profitable and a leading entity. In using computer based analysis, the company became more flexible and wholly integrated in their operations. O’Brien (1999) says that in doing this the business has more control to increase their production sector with a well structured system that predicts their success. Thus in comb ining all these systems the staff became very much aware of how information systems can be integrate production and databases which all have to be functional and assist in proper coordinated systems. In accomplishing this, the level of responding to the customer’s needs became highly competitive and flexible. This highlights the important role of computer technology and information systems’ operations (AdlerWinograd,1992). Recommendations The following are some suggestion of how to improve the operation system of the company. Operational Data Store analysis This as viewed by Auslander (2011) will maintain a larger data on the systems thus accommodating access to information and allowing effectiveness of viewing various transactions in their daily stock taking. This therefore when reviewed will serve as a data store allowing the manager to view all that was takes place in the various outlets thereby improving daily operations. Initial State Service This mechanism is bas ed on the customer or client being able to get and view information of products available and update them on the development of the company products (Pant Hsu, 1999). In employing this type of system, the client would be able to access information and orders from various points and the results would register in the main system thus making the manager assess the demand of particular products and services. In integrating computer based control and operating systems in manufacturing and production, increased delivery and success will be observed.This is deemed to bring in a competitive advantage to the company because it will enhance faster means to reaching the clients and also increased production and sales. Therefore, when properly organized, the system would offer designs and productions that will be automatic and thereafter, able to be traced when transactions takes place. In applying technology based systems, the company will be able to specifically meet the individual needs of their customer’s thus increasing demand and credibility. This in return will allow flexibility and will increase the quality and efficiency thus making the company earns the reputation it deserves. In conclusion, many of the operation systems within and without are to be tracked often for effectiveness. Thus in being more flexible, the process of change will introduce better effective systems enhances growth and efficiency of the company. This will look at the factors that lead to growth and the means with which to continue developing the process of growth. By doing this, the company will consider various aspects that invites them to take on technology for the betterment of their operation systems. Therefore operation systems need to be reviewed regularly to ensure that the company benefits. References Adler, P Winograd A1992, The Usability Challenge. Usability: Turning Technologies into Tools, Oxford University press, New York. Adler, P 1992, Technology and the Future of Wo rk, Oxford University Press, New York. Auslander et al 1981, The evolution of the MVS Operating System, IBM, New York. Bic, F Alan C 2003, Operating Systems, Prentice Hall, New Jersey. Checkland, P1999, Systems thinking, systems practice: with a 30-year retrospective, John Wiley, Chichester. Deitel, H et al. Operating Systems. Pearson/Prentice Hall, New Jersey. Jacobs, R Chase, B 2011, Operations and supply chain management, (13th ed.), McGraw-Hill/Irwin, New York. Laudon,KLaudon,J2011,ManagementInformationSystems, Prentice Hall/CourseSmart, New Jersey. Laudon, C Laudon, P 2009, Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm, Prentice Hall/CourseSmart, New Jersey. O’Brien, J 1999, Management Information Systems – Managing Information Technology in the Internetworked Enterprise, Irwin McGraw-Hill, Boston. Pant, S Hsu, C 1995, Strategic Information Systems Planning: A Review, Information Resources Management Association International Conference, May 21â€⠀œ24. Silberschatz et al 2008, Operating Systems Concepts, John Wiley Sons, New York. Stallings, W 2008, Computer Organization Architecture, Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi.
Friday, November 22, 2019
25 Eponyms as Literary Wordplay
25 Eponyms as Literary Wordplay 25 Eponyms as Literary Wordplay 25 Eponyms as Literary Wordplay By Daniel Scocco Several posts have focused on, for example, phenomena and ideas named after people, and concepts or objects identified by the names of historical figures. This entry specifically suggests mythological, literary, and historical eponyms that may inspire you to employ such terms in fiction writing as cloaked allusions to characters or things. Think of these examples and others as akin to puns: A law firm named Bowler, Derby, Fedora, Stetson, and Trilby. (Maybe these will be names of characters in the upcoming film version of Lidsville, the early- ’70s Saturday-morning TV show about a land of sentient hats.) A star-crossed couple named Jeremiah, namesake of a pessimistic prophet from the Bible, and Cassandra, named after the Trojan woman blessed with the gift of prophecy but fated never to be believed. A maid named Abigail. (In Victorian England, house servants were routinely stripped of their birth names and assigned ones considered more pleasant for their employers to utter, and Abigail was a common moniker for a housemaid.) A vigilant or nosy neighbor named Argus, the name of the many-eyed monster of Greek mythology. A heavily burdened character named Atlas, after the Titan in Greek mythology charged with holding up the heavens. A place called the Augean Stables, named after the fabled stables of Augeas, the cleaning of which constituted one of the legendary twelve labors of Hercules. A spy’s contact code-named Baedeker, after the name of the popular guidebook series, or Cicerone, after a word for a sightseeing guide (in turn named after the Roman orator and statesman Cicero). A loud woman who’s always letting off steam named Calliope, after the strident steam-whistle instrument named in honor of the Greek muse of epic poetry. A tormented woman named Catherine Wheeler, named after the Catherine wheel, a rotating fireworks wheel in turn inspired by a Catholic saint tortured on a wheel. An elusive woman named Fata Morgana (or, more subtly, Morgan Fate), after the mirage phenomenon named for the Italian translation of the name of Arthurian sorceress Morgan le Fay (â€Å"fairy,†or â€Å"magician†). An extremely attractive person named Mickey Finn, after a slang term for a drugged drink. (The active ingredient is sometimes called â€Å"knockout drops.†) A ruminative character named Fletcher, after the health food faddist notorious for prescribing a quantifiable amount of chewing while eating. An energizing character named Galvani, after the scientist who studied the stimulating effects of electricity. A hapless company called Gordian Inc., named for the knot that could not be untied. (Alexander the Great reportedly solved the problem by severing the knot with his sword.) An unhelpful character named Hobson, after the stable owner who hired out any horse a customer wanted, as long as the one selected was next in line to be used (hence the oxymoronic expression â€Å"Hobson’s choice†). An arbiter named Hoyle, after the eponymous author of rules for card games (hence the nearly extinct expression â€Å"according to Hoyle†). A race car driver or reckless motorist named Jehu (after the biblical king of that name notorious for his wild charioteering). A drink named the Molotov cocktail, after the nickname for the bomb made from a bottle filled with inflammable liquid and ignited with a wick. (The bomb is in turn named after a Russian Communist politician.) An impostor named Pinchbeck, after the watchmaker whose created an inexpensive alloy resembling gold. Hundreds of eponyms are available for enlivening satirical or otherwise humorous prose. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Fiction Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Has vs. Had15 Great Word GamesHow to Punctuate Introductory Phrases
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Module 5, 6 and 7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Module 5, 6 and 7 - Essay Example The three aspects of consultancy that a consultant should be able to differentiate are intercultural, transnational or transnational and multicultural environments of consultancy. Intercultural consulting is where interactions occur across borders of two or more cultures, for example when an individual from a particular country goes to work in another country. It is important to identify the cultural patterns that distinguish national cultures or particular regions. These patterns may be found in proverbs and story lines that appear repeatedly in the literature, art and films of certain cultural societies. The idea is to learn as much as one can about that society. This will promote an understanding between the consultant and the individuals of the society they will be working in. it will also facilitate proper communication since the consultant will be knowledgeable about the things they should and should not do or say. The second type of environment is the transnational or transcultural consulting. This is whereby an individual or organization can identify with more than one nation or culture. This is good for the business as they can refer to a variety of cultures, languages and experiences as they carry out their work. Such individuals can also work as a bridge connecting particular cultures and languages which work in favor of the business. There is really not much difference between the transcultural and the multicultural as multicultural consulting refers to many different ethnicities, cultures and nationalities existing within the same organization. All of these will enable the business acquire more reliable information from experts who have had different experiences. Another factor that will favor the business is if the consultant has the necessary skills of inquiry. These skills are crucial to the business as they enable the consultant learn about the organization and
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
IRAQ Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
IRAQ - Essay Example It has a span of 437,072 km2. The Northern part is mountainous with the highest point being Cheekah Dar, which is 3,611m. Idaho is half its’ size. The capital city of Iraq is Baghdad other cities include; Mosul, Basrah, Kirkuk, Erbil and Sulaymaniyah. Iraq’s terrain is characterised by broad plains, reedy marshes in the south and mountainous landscape in the north. It ismostly dry and hot since it is a desert. The Iraq’s total population as at April 2009 was estimated to be 31.2 million. According to Central Intelligence Agency, 75% of the Iraq population comprises of Arabs. This is followed by Kurds who are 15-20%, and while others include only 5% (Cotter, 2011). Iraq has a federal government that defined by the constitution as Islamic, federal, democratic, and parliamentary and republic (Cotter, 2011). This government has three branches, the executive, judiciary and legislature. The government has many independent commissions. There are areas in Iraq that has governorates apart from the federal government. Some districts have jurisdiction regarding some lawful matters. The governorates in Iraq are eighteen and are divided into districts. Iraqi Kurdistan is a region that is legally defined having quasi-official militia and its own government. In 2005, Iraq passed a new constitution by 78% majority voting in favour of it. The new constitution got greatest support from Shia and Kurdish communities (Cotter, 2011). Oil is the greatest contributor to Iraq’s economy. It provides most of the foreign exchange earnings to Iraq. The economy of Iraq suffered extensive losses due to the war and lost close to US$100 billion. After the war, oil exports have tremendously increased new pipelines were constructed, and damaged facilities restored. Low oil prices, costs of construction and war debts repayments made Iraq suffer immense financial crisis (Tripp, 2007). Iraq got a debt relief that was to be
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Pump Definition Essay Example for Free
Pump Definition Essay A pump is a mechanical device used to transport liquids or gases from one location of lower pressure to another location of higher pressure. Energy is added to the entire system in order to overcome the difference in pressure. Mechanical forces are present in the functioning of pumps as the liquid or gas being transported is either lifted physically or moved through compression forces. Gas pumps most often use compression forces and are usually called compressors except in cases wherein fans or blowers are utilized.            There are many types of pumps and the very first pump dates back to the 7th century B.C. as described by Archimedes. This pump, the Archimedes screw, was utilized in the water systems of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Al-Jazari (1973) was one of the most popular people in the world of pumps as he illustrated and described many different types of pumps such as the reciprocating pump, the double-action pump with pipes for suctioning, the water pump, and the piston pump.            Today, pumps are usually categorized into two different divisions: positive displacement pumps and rotodynamic pumps. These categories are descriptive of how these pumps work. Positive displacement pumps trap the substance to be transporated in one location called the inlet pressur section and then force it to be displaced to the discharge pipe. Subcategories of positive displacement pumps include the rotary pumps, the metering pumps, and the reciprocating pumps. Rotodynamic pumps, on the other hand, utilize bladed impellers whose rotation within the fluid creates a tangential acceleration of the fluid which in turn creates an energy increase that supports the transport of the substance. Rotodynamic pumps are subcategorized as kinetic pumps and centrifugal pumps. Other special types of pumps include jet pumps, viscous drag pumps, double volute pumps, chopper pumps, rotating casing pumps, recessed impeller pumps, self-priming pumps, slurry pumps, and sludge pumps. (Chaurette, 2004)       From left to right: double volute pump design, typical jet pump, venture action of a jet pump (Source: Chaurette, 2004)     In the processing industry, pumps have many different applications. The pumps in processing industries are used to transport the raw materials from one location to another. This may involve the transport of ink, pigment, and paint in chemical processing. In the sugar processing industry, pumps are utilized in material transfer from the raw juice, to the cush-cush, to the lime slurry aspects of processing and even more. Pumps are also used in livestock processing as evidenced by its use in feed distribution.  In agricultural processing, pumps are most often the key machines involved in the transport of water. This is very similar to the use of the first noted pump for the water systems of Babylon. These not only include distribution of water in the system but also the elimination of wastewater from the system. This links with another application of pumps, sewage management as seen in the pumps application for grit removal, waste-activated sludge removal and the like. The ideal feature that pumps provide processing industries is the option of bulk transfer. This speeds up the processing time and allows for a more cost-efficient system. Over-all the simple physical mechanics of a pump have been utilized to create numerous types and designs that have been able to improve the operation of the processing industry. Pumps are now an essential part of processing. Soon, new innovations in pump design will surface as a result of the processing industries demand for higher efficiency. References Al-Jazari, I. (1973). The Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices : Kità ¡b fà marifat al-hiyal al-handasiyya, translated by P. Hill. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company Chaurette, J. (2004). Specialty Pumps. Fluide Design Inc. Retrieved 25 March 2008 from
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Guidelines on Termination Letters :: essays papers
Guidelines on Termination Letters Termination Letters A type of â€Å"bad news message†which informs an employee that he is going to be terminated from his current job or position because of a particular reason. Reasons for Terminating an Employee:  · Poor performance of the employee  · Insubordination  · End of Project  · Financial Crisis in the Company  · Closure of Department or Division Do’s 1. Warn the employee beforehand – Make sure that the employee was given a warning that he may be terminated because of : his bad performance; or the financial condition of the company that may lead to the termination or lay-offs of its employees; closure of the department, etc. 2. Explain clearly and completely the reason for the termination - Be sure to state clearly why he is being terminated. –For example, a) because of bad conduct. (Give the specific incident, its witnesses on the particular incident/s. b) financial problems (Tell them straight to the pint that the company is experiencing that problem). The words you use should be clear and understandable, not too broad like the words â€Å"difficult†, etc. 3. Make comments that will retain goodwill – Writer should not write harsh words like â€Å"lazy†, just rephrase or use another better term for it. Remember that the employee should leave the relationship between the terminated employee and the firm as favorable as possible. 4. End with an encouraging note – Don’t dishearten the employee. Don’t state in the letter that because of his bad performance for example, he will have a hard time getting a job. 5. Make suggestion in finding a job, if possible – Suggest companies where he can apply for a job. This is also to encourage the reader of the letter. Don’ts (Avoid) 1. Don’t mislead the reader – Don’t mislead the reader into thinking that the letter
Monday, November 11, 2019
Children’s Functional Health Pattern Assessment Essay
List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group. List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group. If a toddler is sick they will say they are sick. Health management is dependent on the parent. Washing hands and brushing their teeth are basic activities that a toddler can perform with the parents giving instruction. Preschoolers care curious of their bodies and its functions. They can also verbalize pain.At this age they are aware of their own body functions and when they are ailing. They also have an abstract understanding of what health and factors causing illness. If the parent lacks knowledge of health issues this could be a safety issue for the toddler. Neglecting teaching the toddler how to brush teeth, cavities develop. Anxiety can occur on the surrounding the body and the fear of mutilation and death concerns. Preschoolers are also at risk for diseases if they are vaccinated or they are behind on their immunizations. Poor hygiene and may not show interest in their appearance. Depending on the beliefs of the parents the child may develop cavities, develop illnesses due to not immunizing the child. Nutritional-Metabolic Pattern: List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group. List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group.Can eat with their hands, often can use a spoon and drink from a cup. Are usually weaned from the breast or bottle to a cup or Sippy cup. They are capable of washing their own fruits/vegetables once instructed by the parent. Are at risk in developing allergies, if they haven’t developed earlier. They understand the differences between healthy and unhealthy foods, and will likely eat healthy unless the parent lets them eat they want. 1200 to 1800 calories per day is the recommended for school age children. Difficulty swallowing. At risk for cavities if the parents give the child a bottle of milk of juice at bedtime.May be obese or under weight Eat a lot of junk food when allowed by the parent/caregiverDepending on their culture and the access to the different types of food. They may not have access to healthy foods. If their families are busy and don’t have time to cook they will either skip a meal or get fast food, which can place them from the fatty contents into obesity. Pattern of Elimination: List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group. List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group.Ready for potty training Parents need to watch for sign of potty training i.e.: grabbing at their crotch or squatting down as if to go to the bathroomMost preschoolers have become independent with toileting. Are capable of hygiene after toileting, doesn’t mean they clean themselves completely.Most have complete control of their bowel and bladder, can dress and undress themselves. Their bowel and bladder patterns are almost as that of an adult. Hard to potty train, parents can get frustrated. Toddler can fail potty training if parent or parents become upset every time the toddler has an accidentSome are not independent with toileting, which can cause others to tease them. Forget to do proper hygiene after going to the toilet or forget to wash their hands, flush toilet.5-7 million in the U.S. have problems with bedwetting and stool incontinence. Able to complain if having problems with urination or with bowel movements. Pattern of Activity and Exercise: List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group. List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group.Most toddlers are very active Able to run, climb and start training to learn to ride a tricycle, and roller skating. Playing is their primary focus. Can easily be separated from the parent for periods of time.Physical activity is important for health promotion. Can help prevent obesity. Changes in motor skill increases their strength, balance and coordination. Toddlers are very curious which could cause injury to child, especially if there is a chemical just left around for them to get into, such as alcohol, anti-freeze etc. Leads to poisoning if ingested. If left for a second outside by a swimming pool the toddler may think they can swim, instead they drown. Are place at times in front of the TV to keep them quiet. Can lead to not having an interest in learning just wanting to watch TV. Expresses anger while playing could lead in time to other issues. (Pent up anger can lead to bullying, being mean to animals etc.)Parents allowing child to watch TV or play video games instead of interacting with them. Can lead them to become obese due to immobility and increased snacking due to boredom. Some children are pressured both physically and psychologically into playing sports. Cognitive/Perceptual Pattern: List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group. List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group.Can learn and interpret objects and events to what the objects are used for or how they play with them. Able to recognize some objects by name. Able to interact with others their age. Play is more to what they see in life i.e. watched snow white and starts enacting part. Constantly questions. Starting with the Why? (I call it the Why stage)Understands others feeling. Have basic understanding of morality and ethics. (What is right and wrong). At risk for developmental problems ( if a child is an only child and doesn’t interact with other children) Some develop slower than others Can have problems forming complete sentences, which causes problems of being understood. Has imaginary friends, that they blame for their bad behavior5 to 10 percent of school age children have a learning disorder, due to either speech impediment, difficulty reading or writing. If problems aren’t identified early can cause learning problems. Pattern of Sleep and Rest: List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group. List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group.Require 12 hours of sleep with naps during the day. Needs to have a night time routine such as baths before bed, and assigned time for bed. Requires 8 to 12 hours of sleep, less nap time or decreased nap time at this age. Needs a nightly routine, such as bath, reading a book, alone time to unwind and fall asleep.Requires 8 to 12 hours sleep. Don’t need nap times. Easily falls asleep If over tired can cause the toddler not to be able to relax and fall asleep. Which can cause them to be less active the next day If they have nightmares don’t wake them just soothe them back to sleep. Some have difficulty falling asleep or stays up late and has difficulty the following day with concentration and easily falls asleep during the day. Have increased nightmares or are scared of the dark which keeps them from falling asleep. A night light can help alleviate the problem. Some can develop sleep disturbances such as sleep walking/talking or bed wetting. Are at risk for injuries due to sleep walking. Pattern of Self-Perception and Self-Concept: List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group. List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group.Can walk, feed themselves, answer simple questions and follow directions and respond to their name. In order to learn autonomy they need to become more dependent of themselves instead of others. Continue to develop their sense of self through task-oriented and social experiences. Begin to have their own clothing style and prefer to dress themselves.Are immersed in the process of self-discovery. Exploring and grow through physiological growth cognitive and social development. Has and increasing desire for competitiveness and desires to master whatever they are doing. Potential for conflict between toddler and toddler’s need for more autonomy and parental expectations and safety limits, especially if the parents don’t understand the need for autonomy. If unable to perform tasks or contribute to the family, they may develop guilt and feelings of inadequacy. Can become sensitive to criticism by othersPeers of the same age can affect the child’s feelings of self-worth and sense of belonging in a negative way resulting in a low self-esteem. Those with chronic illnesses or disabilities worry about their peer relationships. Role-Relationship Pattern: List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group. List 2 potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group.They know their family members and have developed a mutual relationship based on what that person does for the child. Fears strangers Family is still important and plays a vital role in the child’s life, but there is an increasing desire to play with other children. Show affection to loved ones.Developing more friendships and relationships outside the family. Although family environment provides a sense of security that allows the child to cope. As they get older they take on responsibilities with the family and usually interact well with the family. At this age they understand their role within the family Tend to not like a new sibling coming into the family. May ask that the infant be takin away. Attaches to one parent and tends to cry if they leave or are left with other people. Those that have sensory or developmental issues usually play by themselves or do not show emotion towards anyone. Relate to older children and may not play well with children their own age. This group also can have sensory or developmental issues usually playing by themselves or show no emotions towards anyone. This age group if not given limitations or setting expected behavior can be at risk for problems. Sexuality – Reproductive Pattern: List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group. List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group.Genital exploration and masturbation is normal occurrence in the toddler. Becomes more curious about genital organs and may touch their genitalia during diaper change.Have gender awareness and they usually identify with their own gender. Develop curiosity towards the opposite gender. Develop breasts, pubic hair and other signs indicating there onset of puberty. Increased awareness of their body, its functioning and the need for sexual identity. Naturally curious about sex. May act inappropriately by touching themselves in front of others or may try and touch others. The parent needs to direct them to the appropriate behavior. If parents use cute words for describing the child’s genitals this could cause a potential problem. Using the correct words will not confuse the child. There could be a potential problem if the preschooler is teased about their interest in sexual information. The parent should give simple but accurate answers. Preschoolers might not like a certain gender. This may indicate possible negative body image or a struggle with his or her own gender identity.If the parent is unable to or unwilling to discuss sexual matters with them could cause a potential problem. This could result in unsafe sex if the wrong information is obtained from their friends. May dress inappropriately to get sexual attention. Pattern of Coping and Stress Tolerance: List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group. List wo potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group.Their temperament is the foundation for their ability to cope. They develop new ways to cope with each new stressor. Such as throwing temper tantrums or they may cling to their parent out of fear. They utilize the same coping mechanisms as the toddler, such as separation anxiety, regression, denial, repression and projection. May use a safety blanket or a doll as security.Coping mechanisms for school-age is the use of defense mechanisms, controlling behavior, use of repetition, humor and exercise. They also may cope with listening to music, talking to friends or engaging in sports or activities. Those that have a difficult temperament are less adaptable and have more moods that are negative. They may use aggressive behaviors such as kicking, or punching, or may regress to an earlier stage. These behaviors can be distressing to parents and cause them to feel ineffective in their roles. They also use regressive behavior as the toddler where they refuse to follow directions. This can include persistent tantrums. May become withdrawn, day dreaming behavior is normal or may indicate a sensory or developmental problem.Life stressors could include competition, homework, failure at home or school and decisions whether to cheat, steal or join a certain group of peers. Factors for at risk are depression including homelessness, death of a parent, divorce, hospitalization, chronic illness, and learning problems. This could lead to the child using drugs or alcohol or they may want to harm themselves or others. Pattern of Value and Beliefs: List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group. List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group.The toddler will respond with good behavior is given positive feed- back. Healthy behaviors are expressions of positive values and beliefs. These are learned. They learn family values and beliefs about what is right and wrong. Praise should be intermixed with adequate, controlled discipline. Preschoolers begin to demonstrate some internal controls over actions and behaviors. Preschoolers attend church, learn prayers and are taught religious beliefs from their caregivers. Cultural, religious and parental values influence the school-age child’s ethical and moral development. School-age children are able to make decisions related to moral and ethical issues. They know right from wrong. Parents may often only attend to toddlers when they are misbehaving. Caregivers do not use positive reinforcement and/or they do not discipline child for bad behavior. Preschoolers, like toddlers, lack fully developed consciences. Immaturity limits the consistency and effectiveness of internal controls. This may lead to rule breaking and disrespect to everyone around him or her. Peers or inappropriate content on television can negatively influence preschoolers.School-age children may bend to peer pressure in a negative way to â€Å"look good†for their peers. School-age children may frequently lie due to fantasy, exaggerations and inaccurate understanding. Short Answer Questions Address the following based on the above assessment findings. Expected answers will be 1-2 paragraphs in length. Cite and reference outside sources used. 1)Compare and contrast identified similarities as well as differences in expected assessment across the childhood age groups. As a child moves from being a toddler through preschool to school-aged, they are faced with many challenges to overcome. Development growth, which is subject to the child’s environment and sphere of influential people and pressures in their lives, is directly shaped and guided by their family’s culture, religion and value/belief system. The differences are seen in how each developmental phase interacts and responds within each health assessment pattern. The toddler and preschool child need more structure and routine, whether it’s brushing their teeth, eating or bedtime rituals. School-aged children take the values and learned behaviors of being a toddler and build upon them as they move toward building their own self-concept and sense of identity. There are similarities as the children strive for autonomy and the ability to express themselves verbally. As the child continues to learn, they will develop an understanding of good behaviors and bad behaviors 2)Summarize how a nurse would handle physical assessments, examinations, education, and communication differently with children versus adults. Consider spirituality and cultural differences in your answer. When the nurse is caring for a child, the nurse must remember that they are essentially caring for two patients, the child and the parent (Jarvis, 2012). For a nurse, the assessment, examination and interaction with a child patient offer its own set of challenges and require a different approach from that of an adult. When dealing the toddler and preschooler, the nurse should interact with the caregiver, giving the child the opportunity to see the nurse’s interaction with their caregiver. This allows the child to see that the caregiver has accepted and trusts the nurse. For the toddler and the preschooler, the parent will be providing most, if not all of the health history. With the pre-school-age population, they may be the sole source of important data to the history (Jarvis, 2012). The nurse should interview the child and caregiver together, and they should be present at all exams. With children of each stage of development, the nurse must be cognizant of verbal and non-verbal cues provided by the child. The nurse should be mindful that there could be cultural and/or spiritual considerations to take into account, like when undressing a child of the opposite sex. The nurse needs to ensure that the caregiver and the child feel comfortable with and during the interview, assessment, examination and educational/patient teaching phases of the visit. Strategies that the nurse might incorporate include awareness of the various developmental stages that children go through. When performing a physical assessment of a child the nurse should be at eye level. When talking to the child and explaining concepts the nurse should use simple language that they child can understand. The nurse should allow the child to hold instruments, like a stethoscope, during the physical exam to help them feel like they are involved in their own care. Sharing reading materials or media to look at can help divert their attention away from the nurse. References: Edelman, C., & Mandle, C., (2010). Health Promotion through the Life Span. 7th ed. St. Louis, MI: Mosby. Jarvis, C. (2012). Physical Examination & Health Assessment 6th ed. St. Louis, MI: Mosby.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Impact of Radio Advertisements on Buying Behavoiur of Customer
MEDI-CAPS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT (Affiliated to D. A. V. V, Indore) SYNOPSIS OF MAJOR RESEARCH PROJECT â€Å"THE IMPACT OF RADIO ADVERTISEMENTS ON BUYING BEHAVIOUR OF URBAN CUSTOMERS†GUIDED BY : SUBMITTED BY: Dr. DEEPAK TALWAR VISHAL CHAWLA [PhD, Assistant Professor] MITM MBA III-SEM, MITM CONTENTS 1. TITLE 2. INTRODUCTION 3. CONCEPTUAL FRAME WORK 4. REVIEW OF LITRETURE 5. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 6.LIMITATIONS OF STUDY 7. BIBLIOGRAPHY. INTRODUCTION This study aims to analyze the impact of radio advertisements on urban customer towards buying behavior in retail stores and attempts to determine the role of radio advertising on broadcasting of information on the sales promotions. The impact of radio advertisements on the store choice and buying preferences are analyzed based on descriptive investigation. ADVERTISEMENT – The American Marketing Association defines advertising as â€Å"any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods an d services by an identified sponsor. The paid aspect of this definition reflects the fact that the space or time for an advertising message generally must be bought. The non personal component means that advertising involves mass media (e. g. radio, magazines, newspapers etc. ). Advertising is non-personal as it is not directed to any single individual. Secondly, the sponsor i. e. the manufacturer or producer is identified as his name and address is always contained in an advertisement and he also bears all the cost involved in the process.Thirdly, the producer can also promote an idea regarding quality, design, packing and pricing, etc. of any product or service. Thus, we can say, advertising consists of all activities involved in presenting a sponsored message regarding a product, service or an idea. RADIO – An electronic receiver that detects and demodulates and amplifies transmitted audio signals. RADIO ADVERTISEMENTS – It is the presentation and promotion of idea s, goods and services through radio as advertising medium.In radio there are short breaks during transmission of any programme which is filled by advertisements of products and services. Radio advertising is one of the tools of advertising which is effectively used for communication and positioning BUYING BEHAVIOUR – Buying Behavior is the decision processes and acts of people involved in buying and using products. In other words it is the process by which individuals search for information about the product , select, purchase, use, and dispose of goods and services, in satisfaction of their needs and wants. Radio is the most involving and powerful promotional medium.Radio’s ability to create dynamic promotional concepts, to build anticipation and generate excitement, to magnetize the audience and the exhilaration radio delivers for both audience and advertisers is unparalleled. Radio has made a comeback in the lifestyles of Indians. Radio has the reputation of being t he oldest and the cheapest medium of entertainment in India. The radio industry has been completely reshaped by the various private players that entered the sector after the government allowed foreign investment into the segment and opened the licenses to the private players .The Indian government has already given 338 licenses for FM radio channels in 91 big and small towns and cities. The current size of the radio market in India is Rs 300 crores and is expected to achieve the highest growth rate of 32 per cent in coming years. The quality of the sound and the music has improved significantly with the emergence and use of satellite radio. The audience profile has also shifted to the high-income group. Local advertising, lower amount of money spent by the companies to advertise on radio is an added attractiveness for the players.All India Radio (AIR) – the national service provider owned and operated by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting under the Government of Ind ia – is the largest player in the industry. Radio is an ideal media for marketing fast moving consumer goods because it can reach wide targeted listener demographics in urban territory. A large number of people listen to radio while traveling in urban areas and respond to the broadcast of various commercial messages. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORKIt is a logical development, described and elaborated network of association amongst variables that has been identified through interviews, observation and literature survey. Identification of key variable is very important in every research study. It can be defined as:- â€Å"A variable is anything that takes different values†Dependent Variables – In my project, our depending variable is â€Å"Buying Behavior of Customer†. Independent Variable – In my project, independent variables are â€Å"frequencies of radio advertisements on air and purchasing pattern†.Intervening Variables – Willingness to buy. Extraneous Variables – â€Å"Sales tax†as sales tax has little effect on the buying behavior, so it can be ignored. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Bob Trowbridge Created on: October 27, 2009 In the research he examined that basic need which should be focused before spending money on any advertising campaign is to know your market. Who buys your product or uses your service? If you know the audience you need to reach, you are more than halfway to finding the proper radio advertising vehicle.It's not just the right radio station, but the right program. With some radio ads you can pay for a certain number of ads to run throughout the day (and night). Depending on the station, this can mean that your ad will be aired during music programming, talk radio, and or news segments. The ultimate feedback from your ads will be an increase in sales. But you don't want to risk your advertising money without having a pretty good idea of the success of your ads before the sales show up. Donal d pennington Created on: August 30,2007 People are good listeners always.That’s the reason that business promotion strategies via radio advertisement are globally accepting. With a well-timed ad, following immediately after a popular song, there's the psychological advantage of the consumer hearing a message while still in an â€Å"upbeat mood†from the previous song or maybe a funny joke from the DJ. So, most businesses placing an advertisement on the airwaves take the time to have anything from a special offer just for that campaign, or maybe a toll-free number in place for listeners to respond to in place before the ad campaign is even created Pornpitakpan and Tan, 2000Radio advertisements on sales promotions at retail stores are largely created with humor to add emotional value. Listeners perceive humor and develop attitude towards communication and the brand. The purchase intentions are higher for humorous advertisements containing moderate incongruity than those conveying message directly different levels of emotions such as warmth, love, longing and desire, happiness and amusement were elicited by different commercials of retail stores. The most memorable advertisements among radio listeners have been those that evoked the most positive feelings and were the best understood.However, need to acquire product significantly affect a person's interpretation and emotional experience of a commercial Radio advertisements drive consumers to remember messages differently in reference to the favorite jingle, program or music. Such beliefs of listeners help advertisement to stay atop of the mind and consumers unconsciously associate with it as a personally relevant information and have an enduring impact on their emotions. Short cycle radio advertising is developed to have an enduring emotional impact on an audience by facilitating their creation of personally relevant understandings of an advertisement.How to measure the impact of radio advertising c ampaigns Created on: June 02, 2007 Studies have shown that people are more receptive to what they hear, as opposed to what they see. In other words, radio advertising is often more effective than TV. Advertising TV ads are often seen as a distraction and a nuisance that always seems to appear at the worst possible time when you are watching your favorite show. However, it's been found that people find radio ads more acceptable because they are listening to the radio station they enjoy, and the feeling often carries on into the ads they hear.There are several ways to tell what impact your radio ad campaign is having. Fist of all, stations have a ranking system (through polls) that will rate the effectiveness of your campaign. Also, an increase in sales that corresponds with your campaign will also serve as an indicator RATIONALE OF THE STUDY The interest paid by the past researchers on the functions of radio advertising is considered as one reason of the study. As we know that advert isers ; marketers are more concerned to know what are the customer motive ; their purchasing pattern in order to use different trategies to influence customer behavior ; when we get our findings than we will give very fruitful suggestions to the marketing department of the organizations that we can increase their sale amongst the customers. RESERCH METHODOLOGY Objectives :- The study aim to see the effect of advertisement on consumer behavior by perusing the following objectives:- * To study the impact of radio advertisement on the buying behavior of customer. * To find out the receptivity of the advertisement due to appeal use in it. Research design:- DescriptiveHere in my research process, my purpose is to evaluate that what affects the customer buying behavior, which are the factors which influence the buying behavior, how radio advertisements affect the buying behavior of customer. So I can say that I am explaining an existing situation so our purpose of study is descriptive. Hy pothesis :- H1 – Radio advertisements drive positive effect on listeners towards determining store choice and buying probabilities. H0 – Radio advertisements do not drive positive effect on listeners towards determining store choice and buying probabilities.Sample Plan :- The data will be gathered from 50 individuals (sample size is 50). Each individual is chosen randomly and entirely by chance, such that each individual has the same probability of being chosen at any stage during the sampling process. Tools of data collection :- Primary data Structured questionnaire – For this study a self-explanatory questionnaire consisting of 15 fixed item responses was adopted along with the instructions. Questionnaire items contained informative queries about advertised brand and its consumption process. Secondary dataArticles , research papers, browsing internet Tools of data analysis :- After gathering the data, frequency, percentage and the mean will be used to analyze the collected data. LIMITATION OF THE STUDY Errors -Respondents’ Error – the bias of the respondents sometimes leads to wrong results. Also unwillingness to answer certain questions also bring in errors in the conclusion -Researchers’ Error ; Interviewer’s Error – sometimes the question can’t be properly put forward to the respondent by the interviewer and also he may be bias in a few cases. BIBLIOGRAPHY Research Methodology – C. R. Kothari, second edition, Wishwa prakashan. * Principles of Advertising – Monle Lee ; Carla Johnson, Viva books pvt. Ltd. * Effectivity of Radio Advertisement- Liezel Campbell. WEBLIOGRAPHY * http://www. helium. com/items/566995-how-to-measure-the-impact-of-radio-advertising-campaigns(Retrieved on 14. 03. 12). * http://sibresearch. org/uploads/2/7/9/9/2799227/rajagopal_wp-04-2010( Retrieved on 13. 03. 12) * http://www. emeraldinsight. com/journals. htm? issn=0959-0552;volume=39;issue=7;articleid=1931 055;show=html(Retrieved n 14. 03. 12).
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Hypothesis of the Pronunciation Words
Hypothesis of the Pronunciation Words Initial Hypothesis Critique An analysis of the hypothesis people pronounce words differently depending on how the words are presented reveals several problems that would prevent a researcher from successfully completing a concise and adequate research report. First off, the hypothesis itself is far too generalized, the statement pronounced differently neglects to specify the degree of difference that would result from having a subject pronounce a certain set of words.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Hypothesis of the Pronunciation Words specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More For example, differently can encompass diction, dialect, slowly, quickly, incoherently, coherently, whether a person is an ESL student or not as well as a whole slew of dozens of possible alternatives in how a text can be pronounced. It encompasses far too many possible variables that it would be impossible if not highly improbable that a researcher w ould be able to create a report that encompasses all possible amalgamations related to the term differently. Secondly, the phrase how it is presented is ambiguous and creates a similar problem to the previously examined statement. A certain piece of text can be presented in what can only be dozens if not hundreds of possible methods. For example, it can be embedded within a paragraph, made into a list of words, be translated into a different language, utilize local dialects, placed nearer or farther away from the student or be presented in a hardcopy or softcopy format. From this it can be seen that the term how it is presented is far to ambiguous in that it cannot be sufficiently utilized in a research report since it can be interpreted in any manner of ways, all of which would be applicable given the generalized nature of the previously aforementioned text. Based on the examination of the initial hypothesis, it can be seen that it is both highly ambiguous and far too generalized t o be adequate for a research report. What is needed in this particular case is a hypothesis that focuses on a specific subject and concise method of application in order to create a statement that leaves little confusion as to the type of examination that will be conducted. Revised Hypothesis People speak in a more prestigious form when reading from a list as opposed to a passage Evaluating the Revised Hypothesis Compared to the old hypothesis, the revised one is far less generalized and more specific in outlining the assumptions made by the researcher. For example, unlike the previous hypothesis which had the phrase pronounce words differently which could encompass any manner of different means and methods of pronunciation, the new hypothesis utilizes the term speak in a more prestigious form which is indicative of a specific way of speaking.Advertising Looking for report on languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This enables the researcher to immediately determine what course of examination to follow and what to look for when examining the research subjects for this project, unlike in the previous hypothesis which made it difficult for the researcher to determine what different method of pronunciation was to be examined. In the previous hypothesis the phrase on how the words are presented was utilized in order to indicate the criteria to be utilized in the study. As mentioned before, this phrase is far too ambiguous and vague and can encompass any manner of potential criteria to be used. This vagueness has been addressed in the new hypothesis through the phrase when reading from a list as opposed to a passage which is indicative of a particular criteria to be utilized by the researcher in the examination of the prestigious form of pronunciation utilized by the research subjects. It is based on the various arguments and facts presented in this section that it can be seen that the new hypot hesis addresses the problems and concerns found in the initial hypothesis and as such would result in the creation of far more concise, direct and above all less ambiguous study as compared to what would have resulted from the previous hypothesis. Test Design The design for this particular project was actually quite simple, in order to accomplish the test for this hypothesis the researcher focused on how a few words are pronounced when presented in list form or when read from a passage. As such, this consisted of the researcher creating a list of the following words: â€Å"SOMETHING†,†LIFE†,†FORTH†, and â€Å"WATER†and placing them within a textual arrangement of various randomly chosen words in order to create a certain degree of variability to the test. Prior to the start of the experiment, the researcher had the assumption that people would pronounce these 4 words in a more prestigious pronunciation/form when reading them from a list as co mpared to the way they would be pronounced when read from a passage. The reason behind this is due to another assumption by the researcher that when reading from a list, words are more focused and isolated therefore people tend to pay more attention to their pronunciation thus resulting in a more prestigious form of speaking What is Prestigious Pronunciation? Prestigious pronunciation is the method in which a particular word or phrase is pronounced without an altered vernacular. Meaning that it is stated based on the way it is written, the way it appears on paper and the rote manner in which it is supposed to be pronounced based on established standards of pronouncing that particular word or phrase.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Hypothesis of the Pronunciation Words specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More From a certain perspective, it can be stated that prestigious pronunciation is the complete opposite of â€Å"slang †wherein grammatical rules pertaining to shortcuts, pop culture methods of stating that particular word or phrase and even commonly held (though at times incorrect) methods of statement are eschewed in favor of a â€Å"higher†form of word/phrase utilization (Lefkowitz Hedgcock, 2002: 223-344) Various studies have in fact observed that the utilization of prestigious forms of pronunciation are more often than not utilized by individuals of higher intellectual bearing or class (this constitutes individuals who are commonly known as â€Å"geeks†, are part of the academe, or those originating from a higher social standard). The reason behind this is due to their commonly held assumption that by speaking in this particular manner they distinguish themselves as being â€Å"superior†to a certain extent. On the other hand, other studies which have examined its usage state that its use is more commonly utilized in situations where a certain degree of professiona lism and academic competence needs to be established (i.e. by lawyers during court cases, the defense of a doctoral thesis, the presentation of study findings to an audience of peers etc.) Testing the Hypothesis Participants Within the Middlesex University community 20 random native English speaking participants were chosen in order to test out the hypothesis. The participants were not chosen based on either race, income status or any other distinguishing features rather the researcher made sure that all those involved had no association whatsoever with the researcher and were not briefed about the study prior to their involvement. This ensured that the results of the study were beyond reproach for being unduly influenced by the researcher beforehand. The individuals involved in this study were all asked to read from a prepared softcopy of relevant text for this study while their voices where recorded by the researcher. All research subjects were assured of their anonymity should th e research results be presented in a public forum (barring their voice being recognized by someone they know of course). Note* Only 20 participants were utilized for this particular study due to the limited time given by the University in order to gather the necessary research subjects and acquire the needed data. If more time had been given this study would have been able to accumulate at the very least 200 to 300 people which would have resulted in better research results given the diverse amount of data to work with. Unfortunately since an insufficient amount of time was given the researcher followed the indicated instructions given by the professor and did the best that could be done given the circumstances and the time constraints involved. Procedure The 20 research participants were all asked to read from both a passage and a set of enumerated text in order to determine the degree of â€Å"stress†given to a particular word. This was done as a means of examining whether they stated a word in a more â€Å"prestigious†manner (meaning that the degree of pronunciation has greater stress and far more emphasis) if it was presented to them in a list or in a passage.Advertising Looking for report on languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Note* The words in bold text seen in both the passage and the selection of text indicated below were not placed in bold font in the samples given to be read out by the research participants. They are merely in bold text for the benefit of the readers of this report and as such should be utilized as indicators as to the placement of the key words used in this study. The Passage that was given to the 20 participants to read it out was the following: â€Å"Nature is one of the beauties of life. The presence of ancient oak trees, the blossoming of wild flowers and fruits every forth-coming season is something we humans take for granted. Water is considered to be an essential nutrient for plants. Because of easy access, we take water for granted and do not realise the importance of proper hydration.†The selection of text read by the 20 participants: Sweet Table Pencil Flour Text LIFE Wall Chair Child FORTH Nature Shoes WATER Hair Dress SOMETHING Examination Procedures Once the researcher was able to gather all 20 audio recordings from the research participants an examination of the results was then conducted in order to determine the degree of stress or rather â€Å"prestige†placed on certain key words used within the experiment. Research Results â€Å"SOMETHING†read from the passage: 20% have read it in a prestigious pronunciation and 80% in non- prestigious pronunciation. â€Å"SOMETHING†read from the list: 40% have read it in a prestigious pronunciation and 60% in non- prestigious pronunciation. â€Å"LIFE†read from the passage: 45% have read it in a prestigious pronunciation and 55% in non- prestigious pronunciation. â€Å"LIFE†read from the list: 50% have read it in a prestigious pronunciation and 50% in non- prestigious pronunciation. â€Å"FORTH†read from the passage: 85% have read it in a prestigious pronunciation and 15% in non- prestigious pronunciation. â€Å"FORTH†read fro m the list: 95% have read it in a prestigious pronunciation and 5% in non- prestigious. â€Å"WATER†read from the passage: 15% have read it in a prestigious pronunciation and 85% in a non- prestigious. â€Å"WATER†read from the list: 35% have read it in a prestigious pronunciation and 65% in non- prestigious. Evaluation of Study Results As it can be seen in the result of this examination, the experiment showed that when presented with both a list and a passage most of the research subjects involved had a greater likelihood of pronouncing the words with prestige when they were placed within a list as compared to the instances where they were asked to read them from within a passage. As such, this validates the hypothesis indicated by the researcher and shows the accuracy of the earlier assumptions involving prestigious forms of pronunciation. One way of figuring out why this occurred is from the study of Simon Taverniers (2011) who indicated that pronouncing a set of words from a list is far less confusing for a reader as compared to those within a passage (Simon Taverniers, 2011: 896-922). The reason behind this is connected to the fact that readers need to take into account the varied intricacies involved in reciting a passage (commas, periods, shifting tenses, word agreements etc.) while at the same time having to determine the meaning behind the passage itself. This is also related to the fact that most people dont speak in a prestigious manner at all times due to social norms involving slang and shortcuts in speaking and as such they tend to fall into such habits when reading from a passage since this enables them to read and pronounce a select piece of text while at the same time internalize what they are reading (Laham, Koval, Alter, 2012: 752-756). When it comes to reading from a list, a reader doesnt need to concern himself/herself with internalizing the meaning behind a passage nor do they have to take into consideration the intri cacies involved with proper pacing, shifting of tenses, word agreements, comma, periods etc. Thus this enables them to slow down so to speak their method of thinking enabling them to better recognize particular words and say them in a manner that is in line with their â€Å"proper†method of pronunciation which is devoid of the non-prestigious methods commonly utilized in everyday conversations (Wieling, Margaretha, Nerbonne, 2012: 307-314). Critique of the Project Overall, I would have to say that while the outcome of this project was â€Å"sufficient†, in my opinion, there are numerous changes I would make if I had the opportunity to do so. Should I be given the option of starting this particular project again I would make sure that the university gave me enough time to actually obtain a sufficient amount of participants for the study. While 20 people were able to give me an adequate amount of data in order to comply with the requirements of the project, this amount of participants is insufficient given the fact that most studies of this particular nature have well over a 100 participants or more. The limited number of people used would call into question the validity of the study given the fact that a small research subject population ensures that only a limited number of possible study outcomes can be examined. Aside from the limited number of research participants, I would have liked to include more keywords into the project details with a far more varied amount of tenses, conjunctions and methods of pronunciation in order to see whether the results of â€Å"prestigious pronunciation†remained constant given a more varied word set. Furthermore, another experimental outcome I would have liked to test out would be if the way in which people heard a particular word pronounced via a recording would affect the way in which they themselves said it. This would involve having the participants first reading from a selection of words, then hea ring that same set of words from a recording and have them read the set of words again from the same paper. I anticipate that the addition of this particular aspect to the project would show that the way in which people hear words, despite their own internalized method of stating them, would affect the way in which such words are pronounced. Evaluation of Work When examining what has been done for this particular project, it is my opinion that despite the lack of sufficient research subjects the project was more or less a success since it was able to prove my hypothesis. Taking this into consideration, other possible paths this type of project could pursue in the future could entail an examination of how cultural influences (i.e. pop culture) influence the way in which prestige communication is utilized (Gibson, 2011: 603 – 626). For example, if a particular singer said a word in a particular way (ex: country singers from the U.S. extending the word â€Å"there†to abs urd degrees) would this also affect the way in which people utilize the word and if so would this be a temporary phenomena based on the popularity of the artist’s songs or would it continue to exist far beyond that? Reference List Gibson, A 2011, Flight of the Conchords: Recontextualizing the voices of popular culture1, Journal Of Sociolinguistics, 15, 5, pp. 603-626, Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost. Laham, S, Koval, P, Alter, A 2012, The name-pronunciation effect: Why people like Mr. Smith more than Mr. Colquhoun, Journal Of Experimental Social Psychology, 48, 3, pp. 752-756, Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost. Lefkowitz, N, Hedgcock, J 2002, Sound barriers: influences of social prestige, peer pressure and teacher (dis)approval on FL oral performance, Language Teaching Research, 6, 3, pp. 223-244, Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost. Simon, E, Taverniers, M 2011, Advanced EFL Learners Beliefs about Language Learning and Teaching: A Comparison Between Grammar, Pronunciat ion, and Vocabulary, English Studies, 92, 8, pp. 896-922, Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost. Wieling, M, Margaretha, E, Nerbonne, J 2012, Inducing a measure of phonetic similarity from pronunciation variation, Journal Of Phonetics, 40, 2, pp. 307-314, Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Elephant Toothpaste Chemistry Demonstration
Elephant Toothpaste Chemistry Demonstration The elephant toothpaste chemistry demonstration is a dramatic demo which produces copious amounts of steaming foam that sort of looks like the toothpaste an elephant might use. Heres how to set up this demonstration and a look at the reaction behind it. Elephant Toothpaste Materials The chemical reaction in this demonstration is between the hydrogen peroxide and the potassium iodide solution. The detergent captures the gases to make bubbles. Note the hydrogen peroxide solution is much more concentrated than the kind you can buy at a pharmacy. You can find 30 percent peroxide at a beauty supply store, science supply store, or online. 50-100 ml of 30% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) solutionSaturated potassium iodide (KI) solutionLiquid dishwashing detergentFood coloring500 mL graduated cylinderSplint (optional) Safety Wear disposable gloves and safety glasses. Oxygen is evolved in this reaction, so do not perform this demonstration near an open flame. Also, the reaction is exothermic, producing a fair amount of heat, so do not lean over the graduated cylinder when the solutions are mixed. Leave your gloves on following the demonstration to aid with cleanup. The solution and foam may be rinsed down the drain with water. Elephant Toothpaste Procedure Put on gloves and safety glasses. The iodine from the reaction may stain surfaces so you might want to cover your workspace with an open garbage bag or a layer of paper towels.Pour ~50 mL of 30% hydrogen peroxide solution into the graduated cylinder.Squirt in a little dishwashing detergent and swirl it around.You can place 5-10 drops of food coloring along the wall of the cylinder to make the foam resemble striped toothpaste.Add ~10 mL of potassium iodide solution. Do not lean over the cylinder when you do this, as the reaction is very vigorous and you may get splashed or possibly burned by steam.You may touch a glowing splint to the foam to relight it, indicating the presence of oxygen. Variations of the Elephant Toothpaste Demonstration You can add 5 grams of starch to the hydrogen peroxide. When the potassium iodide is added, the resulting foam will have light and dark patches from the reaction of some of the starch to form triiodide.You can use yeast instead of potassium iodide. Foam is produced more slowly, but you can add a fluorescent dye to this reaction to produce elephant toothpaste that will glow very brightly under a black light.You can color the demonstration and make it into an Elephant Toothpaste Christmas Tree for the holidays.There is also a kid-friendly version of the elephant toothpaste demo that is safe for hands. Elephant Toothpaste Chemistry The overall equation for this reaction is: 2 H2O2(aq) → 2 H2O(l) O2(g) However, the decomposition of the hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen is catalyzed by the iodide ion. H2O2(aq) I-(aq) → OI-(aq) H2O(l) H2O2(aq) OI-(aq) → I-(aq) H2O(l) O2(g) The dishwashing detergent captures the oxygen as bubbles. Food coloring can color the foam. The heat from this exothermic reaction is such that the foam may steam. If the demonstration is performed using a plastic bottle, you can expect slight distortion of the bottle from the heat. Elephant Toothpaste Experiment Fast Facts Materials 30% Hydrogen PeroxideConcentrated potassium iodide solution OR packet of dry yeastLiquid dishwashing detergentFood coloring (optional)Starch (optional) Concepts Illustrated This demonstration illustrates exothermic reactions, chemical changes, catalysis, and decomposition reactions. Usually the demo is performed less to discuss the chemistry and more to raise interest in chemistry. It is one of the easiest and most dramatic chemistry demonstrations available. Time Required The reaction is instantaneous. Set-up can be completed in under half an hour. Level The demonstration is suitable for all age groups, particularly to raise interest in science and chemical reactions. Because the hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidizer and because heat is generated by the reaction, the demonstration is best performed by a science teacher with chemical experience. It should not be performed by unsupervised children.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Reply 1 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Reply 1 - Coursework Example Unfortunately, he does not succeed in creating a creature that would be accepted by mankind and live harmoniously with other people. The wrath that the character possesses can be associated with harsh treatment that it receives from humans and lack of someone responsible to mentor it in acquiring social skills. It says, â€Å"All men hate the wretched; how then must I be hated, who am miserable beyond all living things!†(Shelley, ch.10, pg.83). Frankenstein fails to take responsibility for mentoring his creature to start thinking positively about its nature. He abandons it; a factor that exposes it to harsh treatment by other human beings, and also loneliness. Therefore, it starts to hate itself and humankind for the hardships of life that it experiences. Moreover, Frankenstein does not make any effort to defend his creature from being mistreated by other people within the society. He lets live miserably and starts blaming it for anything that goes wrong in his life. For instance, there is no substantial evidence to link the creature with the death of his brother. It is the hate that he has for the creature that makes him think that it handled the murder. He does not consider what if the creature visited the place where William died to mourn the death of its creator’s sibling because it would not be allowed to attend his burial
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